On food, style, home and travel, a blog by a hedonist, for hedonists.
When I come across a thing that makes me smile, brings beauty or gives comfort - c'est ça!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


This coming Saturday we will be hosting a dinner party for twelve, and I am really looking forward to having company.  The theme is White Nights of Russia, and the menu will consist primarily of zakuski (the Russian version of tapas).  There are many dishes to prepare and errands to run and things to do around the house, however I am in the middle of a case of college-like procrastination.  I am compelled to do just about anything other than what's on my task list.  Oh, well.  That translates into the following projects attacked and accomplished:

1.  All CDs have been uploaded into iTunes, backed up on Time Capsule, and then removed from the house (sold or donated).  I am done will one pile of clutter!
2.  Childhood photos and momentos have been recategorized, organized and thinned down to fit into one box.  Less is more, and no one is really interested in my old dolls but me.
3.  Scented sachets have been made and installed in all our closets.  Yup, I have my priorities in order.  Anyway, here's how to make them.

DIY Closet Sachets

First, find yourself some muslin pouches or other small bags of breathable (natural) fabric.  I found these on Amazon.com, though if you are handy with a needle and thread (which I am not) I presume they could be made by hand.

Cotton Muslin Drawstring Bag

Next, choose your essential oils.  Here is my preferred line-up, which is well suited for closet sachets as Lavender and Eucalyptus both have moth-repelling effects.  The rest are there just because they smell good.

Eucalyptus, Lavender, Clove Bud, Sweet Orange, Bergamot Essential Oils

Incidentally, we use these essential oils to prepare our own cleaning products, so they are always around the house.  If you don't have a plethora of essential oils laying about, fear not, this works well with just one oil.  Pick your favorite.  (A good source for oils is Whole Foods, by the way.)

Next, find yourself some dried lavender.  We have a heap of it left over from our driving trip though Provence last summer.  I make potpourri with it as well.

Dried Lavender

Next, fill the bag about 2/3 full with lavender.  Shake approximately 3 drops of each oil you are using.  This is not a precise recipe, your nose will tell you when it smells good.

Make sure the oil droplets hit the lavender, and not the fabric.
 Close the bag up and give it a squeeze to blend and release the fragrance.  Voila, you are done!

The finished product

It takes just a few minutes to put together, but now every time I open my closet door I get a great waft of lovely scent!

Now, what else could I possibly do that's not on my must-do list...  Do you get sidetracked easily?  What do you like to do to procrastinate?


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